
Verification Agent

A certified public accountant or a firm of certified public accounts engaged for preparing the Verification Report.

In certain Refunding transactions or Defeasances, a Verification Agent may be engaged.  The Verification Agent is responsible for independently confirming that the investments purchased for the Escrow Fund will be sufficient to fund the Debt Service payments on the Refunded Bonds, up to and including the date the Refunded Bonds are redeemed.  Additionally, the Verification Agent typically confirms that the Yield  on the investments in the Escrow Fund does not exceed the Yield  of the Refunding Bonds if the Refunding Bonds are issued as Tax-Exempt BondsBond Counsel relies on the Verification Report delivered by the Verification Agent when rendering an opinion as to the legal Defeasance of the Refunded Bonds and to the federal tax-exempt status of the Refunding Bonds if the Refunding Bonds are issued as Tax-Exempt Bonds.

Life’s a Party

Learn more about the various parties involved in a municipal securities transaction and their roles.

See Also

Verification Report

A document that verifies the mathematical accuracy of information needed to support bond counsel’s conclusions that an advance refunding bond issue is a tax-exempt bond issue and/or that refunded bonds are defeased.

Hudson Yards Rail Yards

Start with the Bond Basics

Underwriter’s Counsel

An attorney or firm of attorneys engaged to represent the underwriter(s) in connection with the issuance of bonds.