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Browse through our library of resources ranging from reports and model documents, to webinars and comment letters.
Requests for 2024-2025 IRS Priority Guidance Plan
Requested items for inclusion on the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) 2024-2025 Priority Guidance Plan.
The Workshop 2023: Session Bundle
All recorded sessions from our 2023 annual conference held in Chicago, IL from October 18 – 22. [[Purchase or Registration Required]]
Advanced Arbitrage: There and Back Again
A higher-level discussion of arbitrage issues applicable to tax-exempt municipal bonds and the structuring of various transactions.
Arbitrage: Can I Earn It? Can I Keep It?
An intermediate-level discussion for the newer practitioner or a refresher for those in need of a reminder of the various arbitrage issues applicable to tax-exempt municipal bonds.
Refunding and Reissuance
Panelists focus on recent developments and discuss and analyze a variety of tax issues through a discussion of refunding and reissuance trends.
Tax Hot Topics
This panel will discuss current federal tax issues, including any recently released notices, rulings, regulations and/or other guidance.
Arbitrage and Rebate, Real World Examples [The Essentials 2023]
Discussion of hypotheticals that involve the application of certain federal tax laws relating to arbitrage rebate and the exceptions to the arbitrage rebate.
Arbitrage and Rebate, The Basics [The Essentials 2023]
Overview of general arbitrage concepts, arbitrage rebate requirements, and the application of the various exceptions to the arbitrage rebate rules.
Comments on Proposed SLGS Rule Changes
Response to proposed regulations from the Bureau of Fiscal Services (BFS) pertaining to the State and Local Government Series (“SLGS”) securities program.
Arbitrage and Rebate: Can I Earn It? Can I Keep It? [Workshop 2022]
This panel session addresses arbitrage and rebate concepts commonly encountered in structuring transactions and post-issuance compliance matters, with a particular focus on allocation of proceeds including final allocation considerations, arbitrage…
Arbitrage and Rebate (Real World Example) [Essentials 2022]
This session discusses the hypotheticals that involve the application of certain federal tax laws relating to arbitrage rebate and the exceptions to arbitrage rebate.
Arbitrage and Rebate [Essentials 2022]
This session provides an overview of general arbitrage concepts, arbitrage rebate requirements, and the application of the various exceptions to the arbitrage rebate rules.