Bonds and Beverages: DC

Networking event for D.C. area law students interested in public finance law.
Frederick Douglass Bridge crossing the Anacostia River in Washington, D.C. Source: Ron Cogswell

Join D.C. area public finance law professionals for a seminar and networking event on Thursday, February 22. Attendees will learn more about how the $4 trillion municipal bond market finances the critical infrastructure we use each day— from the roads, bridges, and Metro lines you take to class; to the drinking water pipes, utility lines, and development that shape the lives of the 6.3 million people who call the DMV home. The seminar will be followed by a networking event with light food and beverage where students interested in public finance will get a chance to meet and learn from experienced lawyers working in the field.

Our Panelists

Andrew R. Kintzinger

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP

Brian J. Garzione

Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP

Keirston R. Woods

Bryant Miller Olive P.A.

Erin K. Law

Office of the Chief Financial Officer
D.C. Government

Special Thanks

To our host and lead sponsor, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP.

Student Resources

NABL offers current law school students complimentary membership and resources.

CHICAGO, IL | SEPTEMBER 18 – 20, 2024

The Workshop

This 2.5-day conference includes continuing legal education (CLE), timely updates from the world of bond law, and numerous networking opportunities to meet hundreds of your colleagues.