Reports and Resources

Model Bond Opinion Report
Fifth edition of NABL’s signature report updated to reflect current municipal bond practices.

Disclosing Risk Factors in Municipal Securities Offerings
Paper exploring legal and practical considerations in identifying and disclosing risk factors in offerings of municipal securities, and developing policies and procedures for disclosing such factors.

“To Lien or Not To Lien”
Forthcoming report covering the subject of security interests in collateral for municipal bond issues and public finance projects.

Carson v. Makin Thought Piece
The General Law and Practice Committee (GLPC) is working on a thought leadership piece to discuss the First Amendment questions continued in the Carson v. Makin decision. The project is…

Forward Delivery Bonds FAQ
The Securities Law and Disclosure Committee (SLDC) is working on a frequently asked questions (FAQ) document covering the basic mechanics of a forward delivery; documentation requirements and best practices of…

Tax Diligence Best Practices
One or more tax due diligence tools for NABL members intended to provide a foundation for a due diligence process by providing a framework of items to review and consider.

Due Diligence Consideration in Primary Offerings of Municipal Securities
White paper to provide members with tools and procedures for consideration when undertaking due diligence reviews for clients in connection with primary offerings of municipal securities.

Model CDA
The Securities Law and Disclosure Committee (SLDC) is working to update our Model Continuing Disclosure Agreement (CDA).

An Update: Crafting Disclosure Policies
The National Association of Bond Lawyers (NABL) is releasing Section 5.3 to Appendix B of Crafting Disclosure Policies, a paper released by NABL in 2015. The purpose of Section 5.3…

Charter School Bond Financing
Financings of charter school facilities through the issuance of municipal debt obligations (hereinafter, “bonds”) have become increasingly prevalent since the first charter school financings were completed in the late 1980s,…

Form Conduit Indenture (2nd Edition)
The second edition of NABL’s sample form conduit indenture and accompanying commentary.

2018 Amendments to SEC Rule 15c2-12: Questions and Considerations
Earlier this year, the NABL Securities Law and Disclosure Committee (SLDC) submitted questions about the amendments collected from NABL members to the staff at the SEC’s Office of Municipal Securities…