
While We Were Out
We took a break from the Wrap while Congress adjourned for August recess, but this month was nonetheless a busy one. Catch up quickly on updates from while we were…

Amicus Brief IMPA v. US (Cert)
A joint amicus brief submitted by NABL and several other municipal market groups in support of a petition for a writ of certiorari in the Indiana Municipal Power Agency v.…

PFN Letter on PAYGO Sequestration (2022)
Letter from the Public Finance Network (PFN) to the Senate and House Committees on Budget waive Pay As You Go (PAYGO) restrictions relating to recent spending in order to avoid…

Suggestions Relating to Impacts on Tax-Advantaged Bonds of COVID-19
Letter addressed to congressional leadership recommending various legislative and regulatory actions to provide economic stimulus and fiscal relief to the issuers of municipal bonds as a result of the economic…