• Webinars

Current Topics in Energy Finance (Workshop 2024)

  • CLE Eligible

Priorities, objectives and goals that are impacting the development and financing of energy and specifically renewable energy projects

Note: This on-demand offering doesn’t qualify for on-demand CLE in Alabama, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Individual Webinar

Purchase and watch the individual webinar at your convenience.

$99 for members | $299 for non-members

Workshop 2024 Bundle

Purchase a bundle of all 10 recorded sessions from the Workshop 2024 and earn more than 12 hours of CLE.


This panel will focus on current trends in energy finance, including a discussion by the panelists of some of the priorities, objectives and goals that are impacting the development and financing of energy and specifically renewable energy projects by municipal issuers in the context of an ever-changing regulatory environment. We will focus on the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which makes federal cash subsidies available to local governments for the construction of renewable energy projects and provide some examples of the potential cost savings that can be realized for these projects as a result of the IRA in light of the additional guidance that has been provided by U.S. Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service. This panel will also discuss the continued popularity of prepayment transactions as another tool that some municipal utilities are using to help manage the costs of providing electricity to their customers to avoid increasing rates.
