Buckingham Fountain and Skyscrapers in Chicago

Thank You!

To our conference leadership, faculty, attendees, and (of course) the City of Chicago for helping us host a successful Workshop. We can’t wait to see you all next year.

Conference Leadership

Scott R. Lilienthal

Hogan Lovells US LLP
Washington, DC

First Vice Chair
Juliet H. Huang

Chapman and Cutler LLP
Chicago, IL

Scott R. Lilienthal

Hogan Lovells US LLP
Washington, DC

Purchase the Bundle

Miss the Workshop 2022? No worries! You can purchase and watch individual sessions by browsing through the individual sessions below or you can purchase all the sessions as a bundle for $695.

See you in 2023!

We are already planning and hope to see you back in Chicago for the Workshop 2023.

Access All My Sessions

If you already attended the conference or purchased the bundle, you can access all of the sessions in one place. NOTE: You will need to have attended the conference or purchased the bundle prior to accessing.

General Session

Individual Sessions

  • Webinars

Underwriter’s Counsel Roundtable [Workshop 2022]

This panel reviews the duties, responsibilities, and potential liability for underwriters in public offerings of municipal securities and the role of underwriter’s counsel in representing underwriters. The panel also includes…

  • Webinars

The Role of Issuer’s Counsel in a Bond Issue [Workshop 2022]

This panel explores the role of issuer’s counsel with a particular focus on the perspective of the in-house issuer’s counsel. How can issuer’s counsel help clients set themselves up for…

  • Webinars

Tax Issues in 501(c)(3) Financings [Workshop 2022]

This panel focuses on Section 501(c)(3) organizations created by or “backed” by developers or other private parties to accomplish tax-exempt bond financing, with discussion of the issues that arise under…

  • Webinars

Tax Hot Topics [Workshop 2022]

This panel discusses current federal tax issues, including any recently released notices, rulings, regulations and/or other guidance. The panel is expected to address the latest legislative financing proposals and matters…

  • Webinars

Tax Exempt Leasing [Workshop 2022]

The panel presents a short, high-level summary of the fundamentals of tax-exempt leasing (including need-to-know state law and federal tax and securities law concepts) and discuss the use of tax-exempt…

  • Webinars

Tax Concepts In Bank Direct Purchase And Bank Qualification [Workshop 2022]

In this session, tax law practitioners discuss the tax law issues that arise in bank direct placements and bank loans, with a portion of the session devoted to tax considerations…

  • Webinars

SEC Enforcement [Workshop 2022]

This panel examines recent SEC Enforcement actions and priorities, including those initiated by Chairperson Gensler and the Biden administration. The discussion explores the importance of accurate disclosures beyond those contained…

  • Webinars

Refunding and Reissuance [Workshop 2022]

This panel focuses on recent developments and discusses and analyzes a variety of tax issues through a combination of hypotheticals and a roundtable discussion of refunding and reissuance trends. The…

  • Webinars

Private Activity Bond Tests [Workshop 2022]

This panel reviews the basic principles of the private activity bond tests as well as address issues frequently encountered in the identification, measurement, and allocation of private business use. The…

  • Webinars

Preparing to Deliver the Bond Opinion: Tax Diligence and Documentation [Workshop 2022]

Purchasers of tax-exempt obligations typically rely on the “unqualified opinion” of bond counsel as to the excludability of interest on the bonds from gross income for federal income tax purposes.…

  • Webinars

Multifamily Housing [Workshop 2022]

This panel reviews current and emerging market trends and related issues for housing practitioners, including current deal structures and issues relating to volume cap use, federal legislation, the interplay of…

  • Webinars

Opportunity Zones & Economic Development [Workshop 2022]

Designed for public finance attorneys involved with economic development, this panel provides an overview of Qualified Opportunity Zones and how they have been used with bond financed projects and other…

  • Webinars

LIBOR Phase-Out Update [Workshop 2022]

This panel informs and updates participants as to the current state of the LIBOR Transition and challenges surrounding the phase-out of LIBOR, which occurred for most non-USD LIBORs at the…

  • Webinars

Let Me Check with My Desk [Workshop 2022]

Let Me Check With My Desk is a new panel that will educate bond lawyers on the role played by the municipal bond trading desk. Participants in a typical municipal…

  • Webinars

Legal, Commercial, and Financing Issues in P3s [Workshop 2022]

This panel provides a high-level overview of the P3 process. It will also discuss legal, commercial, and financial issues that are often negotiated during a P3 transaction including structuring and…

  • Webinars

Hot Topics In Securities Law [Workshop 2022]

This panel includes practitioners and securities regulators discussing the latest federal securities law issues facing the municipal bond market, with a focus on how lawyers may assist their clients in…

  • Webinars

Health Care Facilities – Non-Tax Matters [Workshop 2022]

This panel examines non-tax issues for financings of 501(c)(3) health care providers, with the panel addressing hot topics in health care finance. The primary focuses are expected to be considerations…

  • Webinars

Ethics: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – What is Implicit Bias? Its Effects on the Practice of Law and Practical Solutions [Workshop 2022]

America has been heralded as the great “Melting Pot”. However, over the years, studies have shown that we all have unconscious biases that unintentionally affect every aspect of our dealings…

  • Webinars

Ethics: Conflicts, Competence, and Confidentiality [Workshop 2022]

This panel includes public finance practitioners and legal practice liability insurer representatives discussing latest trends in how bond counsel can be exposed to professional liability. The panel features a practical…

  • Webinars

Deal Gone Bad [Workshop 2022]

This panel focuses on three phases of a “deal gone bad”. The first phase, the default and mobilization stage, includes issues such as the standard for notice to the public…

  • Webinars

Bank Direct Purchase – General Considerations (Non Tax) [Workshop 2022]

In this panel, we discuss structuring and legal considerations that arise in private placement bond issues and bank loans. Topics include: trends in bank loans and other direct-placement financings, such…

  • Webinars

Arbitrage and Rebate: Can I Earn It? Can I Keep It? [Workshop 2022]

This panel session addresses arbitrage and rebate concepts commonly encountered in structuring transactions and post-issuance compliance matters, with a particular focus on allocation of proceeds including final allocation considerations, arbitrage…

  • Webinars

Session Bundle: The Workshop 2022

Purchase a bundle of every recorded session from the Workshop 2022.


The Workshop: Hybrid 2022 will offer up to 11.25 CLE credit hours, which includes 3.75 hours of ethics credit and elimination of bias credit in states with a 60-minute CLE credit hour. In states with a 50-minute CLE credit hour, up to 13.50 hours of credit are anticipated, including 4.50 hours of ethics credit. NABL will apply for and anticipates getting approval for these hours.

When registering for The Workshop, please complete your course selections, so NABL can provide you with the correct CLE credit hours on your certificate. NABL will send out an email to all attendees with a link to The Workshop recorded sessions a few weeks post-conference for viewing and earning on-demand CLE credit for sessions not attended live. NABL will apply for on-demand CLE credit for all states that approve it.

Post-Conference: Accessing Certificates
To make the process of obtaining your CLE certificates, we’re making them available online. Simple instructions will be provided post-conference on this page. If have questions, or need login assistance, contact us via cle@nabl.org.


NABL extends our gratitude to the following sponsors. Sponsorship plays an important role in promoting the integrity of the municipal bond market, and is crucial to making all our educational and advocacy events a integral part of NABL’s success. This conference has been possible with their integral support. Take a moment to visit their websites to find out more about who they are and the people they serve by clicking on their logos.

Platinum Level Sponsor

Gold Level Sponsors

Silver Level Sponsors

Bronze Level Sponsors

About NABL Sponsorship

NABL sponsors play a special role in promoting the integrity of the municipal market through education and advocacy. Sponsors receive year-long, high-level recognition by being associated with NABL through exposure targeted to NABL members and constituencies.
Get in front of firm partners and decision-makers, as 85% of NABL membership is comprised of leaders. Your company’s hyperlinks and logos will be featured in these digital spaces:

This is a unique opportunity to support NABL’s efforts and raise the visibility of your organization to more than 2,500 members and an additional 2,000 industry nonmembers. Check out the Sponsorship Brochure, and contact Sabrina Kidwai for more details.