Bond Purchase Agreement (“BPA”)
Contract in which the Issuer and/or borrower agrees to sell bonds to the underwriter.
An agreement, usually between an Issuer (or in the case of a Conduit Financing, a Conduit Issuer and a Conduit Borrower), a Trustee (as tender agent) and a commercial bank, used to guarantee repurchase of Bonds that are subject to short Call Provisions (e.g., daily, weekly or monthly) if such Bonds are tendered for purchase by the bondholders and not simultaneously remarketed to and purchased by new bondholders.
See Also
Contract in which the Issuer and/or borrower agrees to sell bonds to the underwriter.
Agreement used in the purchase of a bond issue by a syndicate to set out the rights, obligations and purchase commitments of each underwriter; to authorize one or more underwriters to act as manager(s); and to give the manager(s) authority to act on behalf of the others in connection with the bond issue.