
Official Statement (“OS”)

The Offering Document used by an Underwriter in a Public Offering.

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Learn more about the various documents involved in a municipal securities transaction.

See Also

Offering Document

The document prepared by, or for, the Issuer and distributed to investors to provide disclosure with respect to one or more issues of bonds. 

Preliminary Official Statement (“POS”)

The type of offering document circulated prior to the determination of the interest rates and certain other terms of the bonds when it is anticipated or known the bonds will be purchased by an underwriter and resold to the public.

Hudson Yards Rail Yards

Start with the Bond Basics

Volume Cap

A requirement contained in Section 146 of the Code that private activity bonds (PAB) (with certain exceptions) issued as tax-exempt bonds obtain an allocation of volume cap from the state in which the project is located prior to the issuance of the bonds.