
Inducement Resolution

A resolution adopted by the Issuer or the Borrower to indicate the preliminary intention to issue the Tax-Exempt Bonds, subject to satisfaction of certain conditions precedent which may be satisfied on or after the adoption of a Bond Resolution. Inducement Resolutions are particularly common in Conduit Financings.  In addition, an Inducement Resolution may be used for purposes of Section 1.150-2 of the Treasury Regulations as the “Declaration of Intent” of the parties to use the Tax-Exempt Bond proceeds to reimburse expenditures paid from another source prior to the date the Tax-Exempt Bonds are issued. 

Get it in Writing

Learn more about the various documents involved in a municipal securities transaction.

See Also

Official Action / Intent

The evidence of official intent of the Issuer (or the conduit borrower if it is a 501(c)(3) organization) to reimburse expenditures with proceeds of the bonds.

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Start with the Bond Basics

Stickering or Supplementing

Amending or supplementing a preliminary official statement or an official statement, typically to provide information about new developments or updated information affecting the issuer, the conduit borrower, or the bond issue.