Private Activity Bond (PAB)
The term used in the Code to describe any bond issued as part of a bond issue that meets both of the private business tests or meets the private loan financing test.
Section 147(b) of the Code states that Private Activity Bonds are not Tax-Exempt Bonds if the Weighted Average Maturity of the Bond Issue exceeds 120% of the average reasonably expected economic Useful Life of the facilities financed with the Bond proceeds.
Learn more about how various aspects of tax law intersect with municipal securities.
The term used in the Code to describe any bond issued as part of a bond issue that meets both of the private business tests or meets the private loan financing test.
Generally, the weighted average maturity of a bond issue is the sum of the product of the issue price of each maturity of the bond issue multiplied by the number of years from the closing until that maturity date divided by the issue price of the entire bond issue.
In a competitive sale, it is the term used for when the bids on the bonds are received by the issuer. In a negotiated sale, it is the term used for the process and result of the determination by the underwriter(s) and the issuer of the Interest Rates and public offering prices at which the bonds…