Essentials 2022
Closing Session: Tying It All Together [Essentials 2022]
The closing session takes listeners through a typical bond issue – from the initial client call to closing – using an interactive, informal platform that incorporates concepts from across the…
Underwriting: Behind the Scenes [Essentials 2022]
The session gives an introduction to and discusses the underwriting process, including all aspects of structuring the deal through taking the municipal bonds to market.
The Role of Underwriter’s Counsel [Essentials 2022]
The panel gives insights on the role of and expectations imposed on underwriter’s counsel in a municipal bond transaction.
The Role of Issuer’s Counsel [Essentials 2022]
This session provides an overview of the role of, responsibilities, and expectations imposed on issuer’s counsel in municipal bond transactions.
State Law Issues [Essentials 2022]
The panel covers common state law issues that need to be addressed throughout the structuring of a municipal bond transaction and related disclosure issues.
Refunding and Reissuance (Real World Examples) [Essentials 2022]
This session discusses common state law issues that need to be addressed throughout the structuring of a municipal bond transaction and related disclosure issues.
Refunding and Reissuance [Essentials 2022]
This session introduces the legal and tax aspects of refundings and the tax concepts of a reissuance.
Qualified 501(c)(3) Bonds [Essentials 2022]
The session is an introduction to the tax requirements applicable to the issuance of 501(c)(3) bonds, including ownership and use requirements and issues specific to hospital, residential housing, and school…
Practical Due Diligence/ Drafting the Disclosure Document [Essentials 2022]
This session provides an overview of the due diligence process with which practitioners should be familiar in municipal bond transactions and practical guidance for preparing disclosure documents.
Leases and Other Alternative Financing Structures [Essentials 2022]
This session gives an overview of certain transactions that do not fit typical structures but are common such as leases, installment payment contracts, pool programs, certificates of participation, and others.
IRS Issues and Enforcement [Essentials 2022]
This session provides an overview of IRS enforcement of tax-exempt municipal bonds, including compliance questionnaires, voluntary closing agreement program (“VCAP”), and audits. It also covers how the IRS is organized,…