• Webinars

Tying It All Together [Essentials 2021]

This closing session took attendees through a typical bond issue – from the initial client call to closing – using an interactive, informal platform that incorporates concepts from across the…

  • Webinars

The Role of Underwriter’s Counsel [Essentials 2021]

This session is an overview of the role and expectations imposed on underwriter’s counsel in a municipal bond transaction.

  • Webinars

General Session: Structuring and Financial Aspects of a Municipal Bond Transaction [Essentials 2021]

This covered the central structural elements, documentation, and financial aspects of a municipal bond transaction.

  • Webinars

State Law Issues [Essentials 2021]

This session discussed common state law issues that need to be addressed throughout the structuring of a municipal bond transaction and related disclosure issues.

  • Webinars

State Law Issues (Real World Example) [Essentials 2021]

This session discussed hypotheticals involving the application of certain common state law issues to be addressed throughout the structuring of a municipal bond transaction and related disclosure issues.

  • Webinars

The Role of Issuer’s Counsel [Essentials 2021]

This session is an overview of the role of responsibilities and expectations imposed on issuer’s counsel in a municipal bond transaction.

  • Webinars

Practical Due Diligence/ Drafting the Disclosure Document [Essentials 2021]

This session provided and overview of the due diligence process with which practitioners should be familiar in municipal bond transactions and practical guidance for preparing disclosure documents.

  • Webinars

Qualified Small Issue and Exempt Facility Bonds [Essentials 2021]

This session is an overview of the rules applicable to qualified small issue bonds, including qualifying projects, prohibited and restricted uses and maximum amounts, and the rules relating to qualified…

  • Webinars

Qualified 501(c)(3) Bonds [Essentials 2021]

This session is an introduction to the rules applicable to the issuance of 501(c)(3) bonds, including: ownership and use requirements and issues specific to hospital, residential housing, and school financings…

  • Webinars

Refunding and Reissuance [Essentials 2021]

This session is an introduction to the legal and tax aspects of refundings and the tax concepts of a reissuance.

  • Webinars

Refunding and Reissuance (Real World Examples) [Essentials 2021]

This session discussed hypotheticals that involve the application of certain federal tax laws relating to refundings, including the repeal of tax-exempt advance refundings, as well as reissuance.

  • Webinars

IRS Issues and Enforcement [Essentials 2021]

This session provided an overview of IRS enforcement of tax-exempt municipal bonds, including: compliance questionnaires, voluntary closing agreement program (“VCAP”), and audits. This session also provided a look into how…