American Recovery and Reinvestment Tax Act (ARRA) (ARRTA) Public Law Number (Pub. L. No.) 111-05 (H.R. 1)

Amicus Brief IMPA v. US (Cert)
A joint amicus brief submitted by NABL and several other municipal market groups in support of a petition for a writ of certiorari in the Indiana Municipal Power Agency v.…

Disaster Recovery Bond Financing: Considerations for Congress
Summary of policy ideas for consideration as a first step to creating comprehensive, permanent disaster recovery legislation to address these issues. These suggestions are based on legislation previously adopted by…

Recommendation for Treasury to Create Transition Rule for Refinancings of State and Local Bonds
proposed statutory language that would enable the U.S. Treasury Department, in appropriate cases, to create transition or “grandfather” rules to allow the refinancing, subsequent to various statutory deadlines, of state…

Report to Treasury/IRS on Related Party Acquisitions of Build America Bonds
Paper to the U.S. Department of Treasury and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on related party acquisitions of Build America Bonds (BABs). In the paper, NABL concludes that any abuses that…

Requests for 2011-2012 IRS Priority Guidance Plan
Requested items for inclusion on the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) 2011-2012 Priority Guidance Plan.

PFN Letter on Bank Qualified Debt Modernization (2011)
Public Finance Network (PFN) letter sent to leadership in the 112th Congress expressing support for the Municipal Bond Market Support Act of 2011. The Act would increase the bank qualified…

PFN Letter in Support of Building American Jobs Act of 2011
Letter to Congressman Sander Levin (D-MI) thanking him for his support and leadership on including municipal bond provisions in the Building American Jobs Act of 2011.

Request for Relief on IRS Notice 2010-81
Request that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) provide prompt relief from the application of Notice 2010-81, issued on November 23, 2010, to certain “draw-down” bond issues for purposes of Section…

Industry Letter on BAB Issue Price
Letter from municipal market industry groups to provide potential answers to questions relating to Build America Bonds discussed during an earlier stakeholder meeting with the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office…

The Need to Extend ARRA Relief to States, Cities, Small Local Govs, and Nonprofits (July 2010)
Request for certain temporary municipal market provisions included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 to be extended in future legislation.

Requests for 2010-2011 IRS Priority Guidance Plan
Requested items for inclusion on the Internal Revenue Service’s (IRS) 2010-2011 Priority Guidance Plan.

Request for Guidance on BAB Issue Price
Request for guidance on the determination of the issue price for direct pay Build America Bonds (BABs).